- 20 December 2019
- 1 min read
Looking back at Ogg’s journey in 2019
Jacques-Pierre Dumas
- Categories
- Ogg
As if it never happened 2019 is coming to close, and what a year it’s been for Ogg. Since we first kicked off operations in January we’ve grown and changed almost every day. We’re proud when we look back on this year and excited for continued growth in 2020. Here are some of our highlights from 2019;
Growing our Team
This year we added 8 new team members to Ogg. Each new member of the team brought a different angle and a wealth of experience, as such we’ve been able to shift how we approach existing clients and prospects. Together we’re developing a modern and forward-thinking company we can all be proud of.

Redefining our brand
In 2019 we had a think about our brand and how we are perceived. We didn’t just want to be a cardboard cutout of our peers or another brand stuck in 2002. To this end we took the first step by changing our logo, aiming for simplicity over the classic corporate style branding;

We then took this methodology to our website, removing all the clutter from our front page and shifting the focus to our brand, what we stand for and why we’re different from our peers;

Here’s to you
This year was only possible because of you! Ogg couldn’t have achieved all we have in 2019 without our clients & partners. We’d like to say a big thank you to you all. We’re excited to continue working with you in 2020 and achieving even bigger goals.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!