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  • 10 September 2019
  • 2 min read

Overcoming business pains with cloud ERP


It can be easy to think of information technology (IT) as a highly complex, overly demanding and recklessly evolving aspect of modern business. Ironically, however, much of the complexity and labour intensity companies currently experience with their IT solutions has resulted because the companies haven’t kept pace with the rapid evolution of enterprise resource planning (ERP) technology.

For example, no one would claim that having data spread across discrete application silos is a good thing, or that using spreadsheets to keep track of financial and operational data is the most efficient or effective way to run a business. Likewise, many IT and business managers understand the numerous cost and operational benefits that cloud-based IT solutions can deliver.

Why cloud ERP has an edge

Despite this common understanding, it often takes some “trigger” to force companies to break free from the status quo and modernise their IT solutions. A new business demand or some other catalyst can suddenly expose legacy systems that had been “good enough” as serious obstacles to future success. Growing numbers of companies faced with such business catalysts are turning to NetSuite.

One of the beauties of the SaaS model is that the software is kept up to date with the latest features, functions and best practices. ERP providers roll out updates on a regular basis (as often as monthly, in Oracle’s case).

By using a cloud-based, software-as-a-service (SaaS) delivery model, NetSuite delivers a variety of benefits compared to on-premises ERP solutions. Those cloud benefits range from rapid deployment to significant reductions in both capital and operational expenses. Most importantly, the integrated collection of modules provides a proven way to address the challenges posed by a variety of business triggers.

Continuous improvement is key

With ERP, a business continuously improves. It implements small but meaningful improvements at a frequent cadence. These include continually improving and refining processes and keeping up with the latest functional and technology improvements (big data, mobile, analytics, and so forth).

This requires an ERP solution that is architected to provide a continuous flow of upgrades and improvements without disrupting the business. In contrast, for ERP systems designed around big-bang implementations, the initial experience and upgrades are so painful and disruptive, that it is literally years (in some cases a decade or more) between upgrades and hence companies lag further and further behind their competition.

It’s not enough to turn on the ERP switch and declare victory. The critical goal for a company is having a system that is useable, the business’s processes and people executing as they should, and the solution is creating value for the firm.

Ogg Founder/CEO Simon Ede says, “By having a great implementation partner to assist you with your setup, you can be sure you’re getting the most up-to-date practices, along with all the technical knowledge you’ll need to get the job done, so you won’t have to google your way into the matrix.”

“A systems partner can ensure your implementation process goes smoothly and assist in overcoming the initial growing pains. This means you’ll get more out of your new deployment sooner rather than later.”  

To find out more download our guide on how to get started with your ERP journey here.