Shifting from Xero to NetSuite
Since its launch in 2006, Xero has become the default accounting platform for many small businesses, but can its platform support the growth of your business?

If you subscribe to Xero’s cloud-based accounting platform, that’s a question you should ask yourself before it’s too late.
While being in the cloud brings benefits like accessibility, it does not necessarily mean it will be able to support the levels of business complexity that come with success.
Xero’s capabilities focus squarely on the small business market. While it often supports the needs of early-stage or single entity businesses, many business owners find that they need something more sophisticated as they grow.

So how can you know if, and when, it’s time to consider an alternative to Xero?
- You’re wasting time playing “Hunt the Spreadsheet”.
- Your management reports are prone to errors or are out of date.
- Simple Xero reports take an unacceptable amount of time to run or print.
- You can’t get a comprehensive view across all of your businesses units.
Comparing Xero & NetSuite

Why Xero struggles to scale
Business growth rarely proves a linear journey. Charting that path involves ongoing trial and error, analysis of data and adapting how you run the business. When small businesses begin their journey, using standard reports from an accounting system such as Xero, once a month probably provides sufficient business insight, but as businesses grow, there are several key issues.
As business models become more complex, leaders need customised reports by role and quality data to deliver deep and detailed analysis. Business owners also want to see reports more often so that they can have the necessary insight at the right time, however, Xero does not completely address these needs.
Accounting software such as Xero is geared towards single entity businesses. As a business adds more stores, outlets or other entities, each will receive a separate instance of Xero. Delivering real-time insight across the business using unintegrated accounting reports is near impossible.

Addons, Addons, Addons
Xero probably resolved the data nightmares, manual processes and compliance issues associated with running a business on spreadsheets. But, at some point, a business might want to manage stock more effectively (and across multiple sites and warehouses), or optimise their human resources operations, or improve their customer relations and associated sales, or extend into eCommerce.
To respond to such requirements, many businesses buy and integrate bespoke applications to meet the new functional requirements. This continual application acquisition and integration creates a hairball that is difficult to maintain, keep stable and performing.
The more applications that are added beyond the base accounting package exacerbates the situation until a dead end is reached whereby either the application architecture breaks or degrades to a point that is unsustainable for the business to operate and grow.
Find out how experts can help your business

Netsuite as an alternative
Oracle NetSuite, as an alternative, is the perfect platform for small, successful businesses to use as a catalyst for their growth. Its platform delivers financials, customer relationship management, inventory and warehouse management, professional services automation and eCommerce capabilities in a single solution.
This approach supports small businesses interacting with their customers in new ways, it contains the integration complexity associated with additional applications and provides unsurpassed insight across all functional capabilities through a unified data model and search and reporting.
With 20 years of experience serving growing businesses, NetSuite provides, the industry depth and leading practices to support their evolution, from automating accounting to running their core operations.

We know our stuff
Across our team, we are certified NetSuite integration partners and specialists. We stay up to date with the latest courses so we can ensure your deployment is successful.